Harness the Benefits of IV Therapy

Discover how IV hydration and cutting-edge NAD+ therapy can help the recovery and rehab process for individuals with SUD.


IV Hydration for Drug Treatment Facilities


When it comes to optimizing health and boosting recovery times, IV hydration is a fast, efficient way to deliver water, nutrients, and medication to the body. This service can be completely tailored to your facility needs. We’ll work with your Medical Director to create a program that will increase your organizations ability to treat clientele.

At Conejo Health, we want to bring these benefits to SUD recovery and are proud to provide 24/7 rapid response IV hydration therapy to treatment centers in Southern California.

Why IV Hydration?

IV hydration is essentially just a technique for delivering water and nutrients into our bodies. Besides normal hydration we also have access to comfort medication's to help patients through their detox. Our service alleviates the need to go to the emergency department (for infusion) and in turn creates higher patient retention rate for your treatment facility.

What is NAD+?


NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a powerful molecule that occurs naturally in living cells. As we age, our natural NAD+ levels diminish – the benefits of restoring NAD+ have led to the powerful coenzyme being referred to as an anti-aging molecule. High NAD+ levels help repair/protect DNA, maintain mitochondrial function, preserve chromosomal integrity, and more.


Key benefits:

·      Increased Energy

·      Boosted Metabolism

·      Optimal Cell Regeneration

·      Reduced Inflammation

·      Lowered Fatigue Levels

·      Better Brain Function

Schedule NAD+ IV hydration at your treatment facility

Book a consultation with one of our specialists to discuss your clinic's recovery enhancement options.